Spare endcaps for Bellingham + Stanley polarimeter tubes
XPC - 10mm diameter
For use in ADP450 and ADP600-XPC polarimeters tubes including 35-90 to 35-94. Stainless steel.
Standard - 15.5mm diameter
For standard glass polarimeter tubes with nylon, stainless steel (metal) or PEEK endcaps including 35-10, 35-11, 35-12, 35-13, 35-17, 35-18, 35-28, 35-29, 35-30, 35-35, 35-45, 35-46, 35-47, 35-56, 35-57, & 35-58. Nylon (plastic), stainless steel or PEEK.
Flow - 22.5mm diameter
For flow and flow through tubes with water-jackets manufactured by Bellingham + Stanley before September 2021 including 36-57, 36-58, 36-67, 36-68. Nylon (plastic)
Jacket Centre-fill - xy diameter
For water-jacketed centre-fill tubes including 36-77 & 36-78. Nylon (plastic).